Friday, August 27, 2010

04] Shooter Category

I love first-person shooters, though they are not the only kinds of games that fall into this category. I was one of those people who played Doom when it first came out, and I remember the invention of the genre. Its always been among my favorites.

I also include games where you run around with a dude shooting people, not in first-person, in this category.

Sadly, I only have five going right now instead of six, leaving me with 47 games instead of 48. I will endeavor to fix this scenario shortly, by acquiring a new one.

Game 13] Crysis - A quality game that was recommended to me, I am loving it so far. Killing tons of North Vietnamese has been fun, some of the levels have been challenging. But I know that soon enough I will have to deal with the predator thing that wiped out my unit one by one. We'll see if it has friends. I hope not!

Checkmark - This is a "clear the current objective" type game, which makes getting to checkmarks easy to discern. I kill a ton of bad guys, complete the current objective, and it's time to reluctantly close it down.

Where I am Now - I'm nearing the end of the third level, or at least my current objective on this level. However, I have hit a glitch! I killed all the bad guys and according to the walkthrough (Yes, I use them. What about it?) I should have been picked up by a military helicopter. But, er, no copter. So I may have to re-start at an earlier point. These things sometimes happen to gamers. It's not my fault! Waaugh.

Game 14] Fallout 3 - Perhaps one of the largest and best games I've ever played, this rich environment carries the series to the next level. Anyone who hasn't played this game, and I am playing the PC version, needs to get it! Get it now!

Checkmark - Sometimes you just show up somewhere, find a location, and do whatever there is to do in it. Checkmark. Sometimes you have a specific story mission that needs accomplishing in the context of a particular scenario. Since I have The Game of the Year Edition with all of the supplements, there seems like an endless amount of material. Woo Hoo.

Where I am Now - I actually put this game away for awhile, because I completed all of the main mission material and many of the supplemental main missions already. I am currently on the alien spaceship, killing them little dudes right and left. I just freed all the humans that were in cryogenic freeze, and now its time to take control of the helm! Or something. Once I get out of here, I will simply wander the land seeking out all of the things I didn't find. As there is plenty of landscape available for exploration, I am sure to run into many encounters. But first, I need to escape the spaceship!

Game 15] Killzone - An excellent first-person shooter for the Playstation 2, I just started this game. So far, its quite fun, and I like the easy interface.

Checkmark - Its mission based. Get through the current objectives to the next location map, and that's a checkmark. Hoo Hah!

Where I Am Now - Just completed the second map, still very early in the game. I have a feeling that in the next map, the difficulty level will start to rise, as the first two were rife with tutorial material.

Game 16] Resident Evil 4 - I think this is my favorite game on the Playstation 2. I won this game on normal level and played through the Ada missions as well. So here we are again, trying it on Hard level. Oh crap! The zombies are tougher and faster, and my aim sucks! Doh!

Checkmark - You have particular objectives, missions to complete. There is usually a good deal of exploring the current area of the map to go through before you get to the objective, so this isn't usually a "quick out" as far as getting checkmarks go. Fine with me. I love this game!

Where I am Now - At the beginning, essentially. I made it through the first path leading up to the village, but I am still adjusting to the faster, more resiliant zombies and I don't have any of the better, or upgraded weapons yet. So far the villagers have torn me to pieces three times. I think next time I will do more hit and run type tactics, see if that will work.

Game 17] Ring of Red - Not a conventional shooter, this is a Playstation 2 game where you control giant mechs in a futuristic landscape. When I tried to put this in a category, this seemed like the right one, especially in light of my lack of shooters to play right now. Anyway, this isn't an exact science. It's the Insanity Project, I can do what I wanna.

Checkmarks - This game is mission based. You are on a giant map and enemies show up, and you have to defeat them to move on to the next mission. Easy enough. Win or die. I get it.

Where I am Now - Very early in the game. The new experimental mech just got stolen by a spy for the rebellion. This was the first mission past the tutorial stuff, so I am just now getting into the actual game. We'll see how things go from here. This game is so unconventional, that it is a learning process every time I turn it on. But its enjoyable. So far.

And them's the shooters. Like I mentioned, I will be adding a new one to the rotisserie so I have six games in every category. Why? Cause its the Insanity Project!

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