Friday, August 27, 2010


There are tons of games found in other genres that might be considered Pure Action. But I categorize this as the type of games where you have an avatar, and you are running, jumping, fighting, doing other random stuff based on the particular game's nuances.

I also am putting sports games in here, because I don't have a ton of them right now. Just Madden really. I would like a nice basketball game, we'll see.

Game 18) Devil May Cry 1 - I purchased the three-pack with all of them for Playstation 2, and have 2 and 3 in reserve for later. This game is wacky fun so far. I can see why the series is so popular right away.

Checkmarks - Very simple. You are in an area of this haunted mansion, or whatever. You complete the objectives involved in the current scenario to unlock a door and get to the next area. Okay then!

Where Am I - Early. Just got past Level 2 of, I expect, many. I got an upgraded sword and a shotgun. Yeee-Haw! I am always a happy camper when I get a shotgun. Er...

Game 19) God of War 1 - Another Playstation 2 legendary classic, I love this game, and have God of War 2 in reserve. I am bad at jumping missions, which makes this game challenging for me at times. But the originality and fighting aspects of the game, are tremendous. I am digging the storyline too.

Checkmarks - Seems like you complete objectives to move the storyline forward, and you can tell this has happened when a God from the Greek mythos appears to give you a new super power or a new objective, or both.

Where I am now - Zeus just gave me lightning bolts! Yee-Ahhh! Now I can kill pesky archers and other dudes that have annoyed me throughout the early portion of the game. Where I go from here? Onward and upwards, or something! Yee-Ahhhh!

Game 20) Madden 08- I know, right? Madden 11 is coming out, old-timer! Also, as a Giants fan, you'd think I'd at least want 09 which would have a much improved Eli Manning and Ahmad Bradshaw, and overall defense. BUT, this is what I have for now. I'm sticking with it. Anyway, I'm not playing a team season. I created a running back in career mode, and am playing that one specific player. I am finding that interesting, indeed.

My running back Dan Wiggum (Whut? He needed a name. I gave him one!) got drafted by the Denver Broncos. Now I'm in my first season. After the 15 minute version of the game on pro felt like it took 10 years and the Broncos and Bills scored a collective 125 points, I decided that 8 minutes per quarter is all this game needs.

Checkmarks - I go through all the practices, and play a complete game in the season, and win or lose, I get a checkmark.

Where I am now - So far, 2-0 having beaten the Bills and Raiders. But let's be honest, in 08, not the best teams in the league. I have the Chargers and Colts coming up, we'll see if Dan Wiggum has the chops now, won't we?

Game 21) Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams - An odd little game for Playstation 2 where you have this kickass samurai dude trying to destroy the warped cherry trees controlled by the demon overlord dudes. As the game progresses, more team members join up. Fun, so far. Challenging bosses too.

Checkmarks - This game is mission based with big bosses at the end of the rainbow. Kill the boss, finish the level. Easier said than done!

Where I am now - Completed the third level, and added a team member. Nice! Upgrading weapons and skills is a nice feature of the game that I am experimenting with. You get to do that at headquarters between missions.

Game 22) Soul Reaver 2 - I am finding this game to be among the most intriguing in my collection. For the Playstation 2. The storyline is intense, and long cut scenes add dramatic tension and information. You have to do everything from run, jump, swim in deep pools, and fight in two different "dimensions" to advance the story of the holy vampire Azriel you are controlling. Very deep plot and good levels.

Checkmark - Save points are far and few between it appears. After you get through a lot of level, and get a cut scene to advance the story, there is a nice save point -- sometimes!! So I am giving myself the checkmark when I get to the next save point. This seems reasonable, as so far the average playing time to get to each one is about 40 minutes.

Where I am now - Just got instructions from a giant blob with big eyes, who is apparently my boss (I never played the first one) I'm early in the game, got past all of the tutorial boards, and am deep into the storyline now. Fun, challenging, rich game for the PS2.

Game 23) Soul Caliber 3 - I know what you are thinking, this is a fighting game, so I am just going through tournament mode. Nah! I find fighting games to be extremely boring, especially in one player mode. But this game has an interesting mission mode where you build original fighters and then go through lands fighting on various maps that you need to control. It interesting because you maneuver your characters into positions, and when the fighting happens, it goes to fighting mode, and whether you win or lose the fight, you gain experience. Its a little goofy, but as a change-up pure action game among 48 others, it has appeal.

Checkmark -  If you defeat all of the enemies in the scenario, or take over the objective on the map, then you clear the level. If you don't, you lose! That's pretty straight forward.

Where I am Now - Just zapped on through level 3. Early in the game, but who knows how many missions this game has. We'll find out the hard way, together. It'll be one of those games where when I finish it, I will happily chuck the CD into the sea!

And that's it for Pure Action.

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