Saturday, August 28, 2010

8-28 Progress

Well, I tried the Dragon Design on Mahjong Titans. 0-4. Very frustrating, one game, I had only 2 matches left, but the tiles were stacked and thus I could not win. Bah! That is unfair, Mahjong Titans generator program. I curse your ancestors. I guess that would be Pong.

Suikoden 4 - All I have to do for now is go back and forth between two islands, fighting living seaweed and weakling fish men. This is what I mean about these level grinding games. Sometimes they force you into endless combats to build the characters. I used to resist this because of my gaming impatience, akin somewhat to other people's road rage. But now I understand! So...kill the seaweed!

 Defeated a pretty weak sea monster to clear a beginner level mission. All 4 of my current characters advance to level 10. That's a checkmark!

Hulk Ultimate Destruction - I DIIIIID IIIT!! Seriously, took me about 25 tries to do the current mission of retrieving a truck full of data before either I got killed or the truck got destroyed. But finally, I have passed the one mission in this game that has prevented me from continuing.

Funny, when you finish the mission, Hulk does a big victory dance. I was doing it with him, I was so happy. HULK SMASH PUNY CHECKMARK!
Annnnd Xenosaga. I finally beat the boss Virgil in the Song of Nephilheim level. Very difficult boss, and I couldn't kill him because of his ability to transform halfway through the fight into a being that renders certain party members ineffective. I finally put together the right mix to beat him with both of his transformations, and
I'm past him. That's the last checkmark I needed to get to complete a full circuit. I'm officially on Pass 2 with all eight categories. So today I have freed up both the Rockstar and Epic Other genres to be played.
Oh No's!

I experienced a major technical difficulty with Crysis. After killing four North Korean special unit guys, I was supposed to be picked up in a VTOL and whisked off to the next level. I was all ready to mark it down as a checkmark, and then something happened. Or rather, didn't happen. The VTOL didn't show up. After scanning the internet, this is a glitch in the game. I had to uninstall the game, re-install it, then install a patch. Reloading from my save game does not solve the issue. Apparently, I will have to begin the entire game again! I would complain if I hated this game, but Crysis is so good that re-starting will not be so bad. Still, that's frustrating. I am going to consider the re-start the new starting point and so I will only be allowed to play through the first two checkpoints in the game right now. But, them's the breaks.

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