Friday, August 27, 2010

07 Level Grinding - Another reason for this Insanity Project

Long time gamers already know what I mean when I use the term "level grinding." It is a necessary evil in many longer quest-type games with hard boss villains to overcome.

I am someone who hates level grinding. I find it tedious. I play the games for the storylines and want to rush through them to get to the next animated cut scene and next batch of objectives to complete.

I therefore often get deep into games and then suddenly my once invincible party can't hack it anymore. They are weak compared to the opponents. This is a flaw in my own gaming style. In large quest games you simply need to stay put and kill monsters for awhile to ensure that your characters gain in power and will always be ahead of the curve. Often you can't get major powers you'll need to overcome the final bosses of the game unless you are of a much higher level than you get to if you just blow through the game as quickly as you can.

Due to my impatience, I never win long quest games. This Insanity Project will help me finally complete some of them by allowing me to use Level Grinding as a checkmark barometer. If I put in a game, and my only goal is to raise my party's levels by 2, then I can focus on that, and by the time I get super-bored, I can move on to another game on the list.

Grinding is boring! But now I have a way to make it fun for myself. And that's what this whole process is about. Fun for ME.

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