Saturday, August 28, 2010

10] Rockstar Mission-Based Games

Well folks, this is it. The last of the eight genres. Rockstar Games of course, is not a genre, its a company. But I have decided it is a genre, for this list, because of the way most Rockstar Games play. Let's face it GTA did start a new genre of games. A big component to Rockstar Games is that there is no character building. You have your guy(s) , and you advance through the storyline. There are few games with no character building, so that's a part of this genre. Also an interesting part of this game is that some missions are really short, so you can get a checkmark in like 5 minutes! However, I suck so much at games like GTA that I often have to do a mission 20 times before I succeed and advance. So I consider each one to be a major accomplishment.

Game 42] Assassin's Creed - I know right? This game could be put in other categories, perhaps the Epic Other, or even the Sword Slashers. But I decided that this game is mission based. You need to complete short missions in order to unlock bigger missions. It fits in this category nicely. I am playing this on my PC.

Checkmark - Complete a mission, get a checkmark. Yes, sir!

Where Am I? - About a third through the game. You have to assassinate 9 people, and I have killed 3 of them so far. Working on doing enough missions to get close to the 4th guy. Soon he will be dead, say I!

Game 43] GTA: Liberty City Stories - Well, here we go. I have never come close to finishing any Grand Theft Auto game I have ever tried, because I am a spaz. But I am improving. No, really!

Checkmark - Complete a mission, get a checkmark. That wasn't predictable was it?

Where Am I? - I think I've now completed five missions. Still early in the game, I can only get missions from 2 characters, so that is sure to expand after a few more completions. It took me like 10 tries to save this 4 jerks from police in a gas station. We'll see what this game has in store for me next.

Game 44] Hulk Ultimate Destruction - This game is now the bane of my existence. I love this game, for the most part it has been wonderful. The Hulk in all his rampaging glory. It's well designed.

Checkmark - Hulk Smash what Stupid Sampson say Hulk should smash then Hulk gets strongest Checkmark there is!

Where Am I? - I was cruising along in this game, because its great. But, I am now on a mission that I can't beat. I have to stop an armored car in a force field from getting across the city, but it has a platoon of tanks, helicopters, and dudes in mech armor protecting it. I keep getting killed. I have tried it over 20 times. now. But I will get through it. I only have to do it successfully once. When I do it, there will be a party.

Game 45] Manhunt 2 - The crazy psycho dude is back! I am playing him. A lot of people told me they didn't like this game, but I am having a good time with it. It's a little different. Very dark, indeed.

Checkmark - Each level has its own pitfalls, but that's what needs to be done. To get a checkmark, I have to clear a level. There aren't really enough objectives within each level to justify a checkmark before that.

Where Am I? - I am well within the game now. Probably a good third of the way through it. Again, I have no idea of the actual length, so we'll just see how long it goes before I win. But I have cleared enough levels that I am certainly well beyond the early portion of the game.

Game 46] The Warriors - For Playstation 2. I always loved the movie, now I am loving the game. Its really excellent, one of Rockstar's best titles.

Checkmark - Solve a level, and you get a checkmark. However, there are also side quests that can be conducted behind the headquarters, so those can earn checkmarks as well.

Where Am I? Nine days before the meeting. I'm excited. Up to this point, its all been the backstory that the game provides that happens before the meeting. How the Warriors started, etc. etc. Its been excellent, building towards the start of the movie. I am looking forward to getting to that point, where the movie the game is based upon begins, and then seeing how things progress from there.

Game 47] Urbz - What? You can't kill people in every game can you? Haha. This is a true changeup game. I have my Sim, and have to go to all the neighborhoods and advance in the different jobs and other tasks. Its not the best, good as a changeup. If I had to choose a Sim game to buy for Playstation 2 again, it would be the one where they are trapped on an island. But I own this, may as well play it!

Checkmark - There are actual checklists of tasks to be done in each neighborhood. When I get a checkmark in the game, I get a checkmark in the list.

Where Am I? - Unlike most games, this one is hard to gauge in terms of "progress." But I have opened three neighborhoods and am working on tasks in all of them. There may be more, or not. I don't know. I kind of hope not! This game is not super fantastic.

AND THAT'S IT! All 47 games now revealed. Soon there will be a 48th, a sixth shooter to fill up all of the categories. But this is what I'm playing now.

Follow the blog to see how I go about advancing in each game. The Insanity Project continues...

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