Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Round Three Begins!

48 Games to choose from! I decide to go with Shadow of Rome. In my last session, I, playing the snot-nosed punk great-nephew of the recently assassinated Julius Ceasar, conked an innocent man in the head with a jug, and stole his robe to sneak into the Senate House.

I get past the man at the main door, but then have to immediately sneak past two guards inside by acting "normal." The problem with this game is, if you move the analog stick even slightly too hard, your character starts running, which the guards find suspicious enough to instantly slay you.

Octavius doesn't know how to fight, so if the guards attack you, you're instantly dead! Right. You see the problem. I enter the Senate House, and now I will have to sneak past all kinds of guards, without accidentally running, and talk to them being ultra-polite to not arouse suspicions.

I overhear two actually suspicious guys in a room by spying through a keyhole. They are talking about not getting caught for doing something. Could it be they killed my powerful great uncle? What the? I do....

nothing! The door is locked, and since I am playing a wimp, my options are to

1) Whimper and Cry
2) Move on down the hallway.

I do both, cause I am having a sneaky suspicion that this game kind of sucks. Wait! In the next room I get a special new power! Yeeaaah! It's the


I can now whistle, in order to make a guard come looking for me, so as to sneak around him, and conk him in the head with Octavius's weapon of choice, the clay mug!

After about 8000 tries of getting slay-i-fied I finally conk the guard over the head with the clay jug. I switch out my toga for his armor, and find a save point so at least I don't have to do that again.

I move on to a room with all kinds of guards moving up and down a hallway. I lie to each of them, and make it to the Senate door. But its locked. Frag. I look at the map and now have to backtrack. But, the only other way into the room is to get into a place with a guard in front. I try and walk past him, and he stabs me eighteen times with his sword.

Aargh. I've had enough of Shadow of Rome for now. Maybe forever, actually. Wauugh.

After that experience I really need to shoot something. I put in Killzone. My men are happy to see me. An incoming jet immediately hits us with bullets. A bunch of the evil army guys approach. We kill them!

I run up the stairs! I reload my ammunition. More evil guys, me and my boys take them out. More stairs. This time there's too many for me to handle. They shoot me in the head! That hurts! Me dead now!

The mission starts over.

And this happens five more times. Apparently, I'm too tired and my reflexes are shot. It is 3:30 AM.

An inauspicious start to round 3. 0-2 so far. Let's try something that doesn't require sharp reflexes, is the lesson here.

Apparently, that wasn't the lesson at all. I foolishly put on Mahjong Titans. Why did I do this to myself? I dunno. We already established I was too tired to use my reflexes. Did we think I would be awake enough to use my brain? I thought I could. El Wrong-O!

0-5!!!! I tried three different designs, but the result was the same. A big ol' rasberry.

And that makes me 0-3 at the start of Round Three of the Insanity Project. But I will make my comeback. You'll see! Bah!

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