Thursday, September 23, 2010

Progress 9/23 NOW WITH PICTURES!

And we're back!

It's Sherlock Holmes! Sorry, I know the image is terrible. But people have asked for screen shots and all I have right now is my cell phone camera.
Better than nothing? You be the judge!

Anyway, as you have guessed from the picture, I have resumed the Insanity Project with the last game in the Mind Teasers category: Sherlock Holmes. In this game, Sherlock and Dr. Watson find themselves up against a Cthulu cult. We're now out of London where we found the corpse of a private investigator and evidence of people being kidnapped, and have traveled to Switzerland, or Sweden, I forget which.

I eat some chocolate.

I start the chapter off as Dr. Watson. Holmes told Watson in the ride over that they were going to split up, and that Dr. Watson would be intending to infiltrate the psychiatric facility where the evidence of evildoing seems to point to.

Dr. Watson had sent a letter explaining that he would be seeking to collaborate with the head doctor of the facility, so they were expecting him. He was rude as hell, explaining that they could have collaborated just as easily by correspondence, and that "both" of their times were extremely valuable.

Then the dead guy I found in the first chapter strolls right in and introduces himself at the desk. I know he's dead because last I saw him, he looked like this:

That dude did not have a nice day

 Dr. Watson freaks out, and reveals the entire situation that's really going on to the head doctor, who immediately has orderlies sieze the fake investigator. He also ushers Watson out the door and tells him to return tomorrow where they can confer together privately.

Yeaaah. Privately. That's what we want. Watson, you sucker! He's the bad guy. It's elementary or something.

The game switches my role to the impersonating detective. AHA! It's really Sherlock in disguise. He counted on Watson's reaction. Haha, that's using your naive, idiot friend wisely. I add water to the compound that they plan to drug me with to water it down, and wake up in a cell shortly thereafter with my wits all about me. Of course I do. I'm F^%A%$% Sherlock Holmes!

First order of business: To make it look like I am still unconscious and drugged in my cell. I use my coat, hat, and some other junk to do the ol' "I'm still here" under the blanket act, then I proceed to pick the rusty old lock. There's a mini-game here involving putting 10 numbers in sequence. Takes me about 10 minutes but I win! Then we're out of the cell, and its time to explore the floor.

The first door houses a laboratory. Useful! At the end of it is a male nurse who has his back turned towards me for now, but if I get too close, he blows a whistle and it's GAME OVER. Not so useful.

I find a few hypodermic needles and I steal them, because that's what good guys do. It must be, I steal stuff every single game. I should steal more stuff in real life, then I would be more heroic, obviously!

I leave the room, and head down the hallway. Mauricio, a deranged maniac, yells for me to help him get out of his cell. Sherlock politely tells him that he's just passing through. Mauricio threatens to yell and bring the whole hospital down on Sherlock. He wants Sherlock to find a key he knows that the dumbass repair guy leaves inside a crack in the wall so as not to lose it. Inside the room, there will be a crowbar. Mauricio wants it to damage his lock and make good his escape.

What? Let a deranged maniac loose in the asylum? Okay, I'll do it!

I go to the end of the hallway and find the key. Then I open the door. Inside is a bunch of stuff. Different sized pipes, the crowbar, an anvil. Eh?

I realize that the pipes correspond in size with the hypodermic needle, not sure exactly what that means yet. But based on the position of the male nurse and a verbal hint from Sherlock that I need to put him to sleep, I am thinking blow gun!

I take a pipe slightly larger than one of the three needles I stole. And return to Mauricio with his pipe. He smashes his door open and rushes off, causing a huge commotion. Now the stairs are clear and I make my way up a level. Heeey, there's some sedative fluid on a table. I combine it with the hypodermic needle. It works! And now I combine the hypodermic needle with the pipe. YUP. BLOWGUN.

Time to go say hello to Mr. Male Nurse.

Mr. Male Nurse gets a dart to the neck!
HAHAHA. Looks like its somebody's nappy-nap time. Eat it!

I find some weird pink rocks and chemicals and whatnot. I steal everything I can! I don't know what it'll be useful for yet, but in these point-and-click games, most of the solutions come from finding an item in one place, and using it oddly in another. So....

And that's all for now. This is not yet a checkmark, but I have to get back to the daily life chores. Will be continuing this chapter shortly.

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