Saturday, September 11, 2010

Progress 9/11

Just two games left in Round Two, and we already know that Xenosaga is just going to be some simple level grinding. So only one true challenge left. Here it is. I put Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories into the Playstation 2. Here we go.

Time to collect some money from JD's hookers in the red light district. I am speedy, I am fast, I don't accidentally run over prostitutes and crush their skulls with my right front tire this time. I am down to the nitty gritty....just 30 "minutes" left on the clock, which really amounts to 30 seconds in actual time! I only need $89 left, better than I've ever done before...I find a ho! It's all over! It's all over! She gives me...$85??!?! What the! Give me a five-spot you---Aaaghhh!

I race around the block...I have 20 seconds left. I can't believe I am four dollars short. There she is! Another ho on the corner! I pull up with five seconds left. She gives me the money! I did a James Bond diffusing the bomb ending! Yeaaaaaaaaah!

I complete the mission. I am left with JD's crappy van. Halfway home, I ditch it, and use my baseball bat skillfully to knock a guy off his motorcycle. I'm sorry, did I say it was his motorcycle. I misspoke. The motorcycle belongs to THIS GUY! I am the hero.

The motorcycle fits nicely in my headquarters' garage. I save the game. Checkmark received! Yee-AHHH!

No suspense here. Only one game left to complete Round 2. Xenosaga, here we come.

Annnd that's a wrap! For Xenosaga, and for Round 2.

48 Games officially advanced, ladies and gentleman. And now we start all over again.

Key things I learned in Round 2:

1) Check to make sure that if you think you are playing on level 1, that you really are! We learned this when I discovered I actually played Chess Titans in the first round on the wrong difficulty setting. Doh!

2) Identify which games need level grinding early in the process, so that I can blend in a little bit of level grinding here and there, instead of having to pound it all out in three or four days, as we just did with Xenosaga.

3) I still suck at jumping. We knew this. We had hoped we were wrong about it. Our stint in God of War proved it.

4) Early portions of some games suck worse than the actual game when you get deeper in. So suck it up early and be patient. We found this out with both Suikoden Tactics and Ring of Red.

Round Two started 5 days before I started blogging the Insanity Project. Therefore total days to complete round two officially is: 21 Days!

And now we begin again. ROUND THREE BEGINS!

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